Can you believe it? Nope, neither can I! I am at the just under two weeks mark before being embarking on my journey to Ethiopia! I wanted to take this "lull" time just let everyone know how I got to this point.
April 2016
My FFA advisor, Mr. Jym Hansen, told me I should write a paper about food insecurity in another country, go to an event and afterwards receive a $500 scholarship from Iowa State University. I was a little leery about writing a paper on such a huge topic that I didn't know very much about. But, I was all about the $500 from Iowa State. So, I sat down at my computer and started reading through the Iowa Youth Institute "Student Paper Resources." Everything I had to do for this paper was clearly outlined in this pdf. I could remember in elementary school reading about Chad, Africa and so I was like sure, why not? I dove in head first (about a week before the paper was due) and started researching and writing about this poor, desert country. Soon, the day had come to go down to Iowa State University and attend the Iowa Youth Institute. There were close to 300 kids in participation in the event ranging from 8th-12th Grade. In the morning, I would attend an 'immersion' session and in the afternoon I would present my paper to peers and two experts. When I first arrived I thought, "I am way in over my head" and by the time to present (I was last to go in my group) all I could think, "oh my gosh, I am nowhere near as intelligent as these kids or have as much of an understanding." But, once I had finished my presentation I felt confident in what I knew and the solutions I had to offer.
Early-Summer 2016
Sometime in May or June I had received and email stating that I was one of the 75 Iowa Youth Institute attendees chosen to participate in the Global Youth Institute held in Des Moines, IA over the course of three-days. I was so super ecstatic but I really was not sure what to expect out of an even bigger event. A few weeks later, I was sent feed-back on my paper about Chad, Africa. It had helpful points and more questions that expanded my thinking about the solutions I had for Chad. As I read through my paper again, all I could think was, "I cannot believe I wrote such an elementary paper." I took on the feedback full-swing and 'upgraded' my paper. My advisor and a few of his colleagues read my paper and even a few told me they were impressed. That's when I knew I was on the right path.
October 2016
The Global Youth Institute was really a game-changer for me. It made me begin think about all the awesome ways I could work with others to see the end of world hunger. The first two days of the event were jam-packed full of speakers, the Borlaug-Dialogue, meal-packaging, interesting lunches (the soy lunch was actually my favorite!), an awesome tour at Hawkeye Breeders, astounding experts who sat right with us for meals, and a lot of great time spent with friends and laughs. By the third day of the event I was very wore out but I was extremely ready to present my final copy of my paper, Chad, Africa: Educating Sustainable Agriculture. With a group of kids that I had been with the last few days sat down at our roundtable and were led in discussion by 2016 World Food Prize Laureate Dr. Maria Andrade and Dupont Pioneer CEO Paul Schickler. It was so amazing to have a WFP Laureate and a CEO of progressive company listening and giving me a sense that what I have to say is valid and correct. I do believe that my passion and newest goals have stemmed from these three days.
Applying for the Internship
After you have attended the Global Youth Institute you are eligible to apply for the Borlaug-Ruan International Internship. When I first sat down at the IYI I knew that this internship was definitely something that I wanted to do! So, I obtained my Passport, wrote an essay about what the internship would mean as well as a letter with my country of preference (Ethiopia). About a month or so after submitting my application I received an email that I had been selected for an interview in February. I felt the interview had gone great and I couldn't wait to hear what was next. A few weeks later, I was leaving work and just happened to check email and see probably the greatest thing I think I had ever seen.
All in all, if you ever have any doubt, in the wise words of Shia Labeouf "JUST DO IT." Just write the paper, just go to IYI/GYI, apply for the internship and really, just do your best. In the beginning of my journey to here, I doubted myself and knowledge the whole way but because I went out and just did it, I have discovered a big passion, newfound knowledge, and even an internship in another country. Faith can get you anywhere you just have to be willing to go.
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