Thursday, May 11, 2017

I got shot in the arm.

         Hey, everyone! Today was another eventful day in preparation for this big upcoming trip! It was dun, dun, dunnnnnnn: Vaccination Day! I should be quite thankful that there are vaccines created so one does not get sick, especially on travels similar to the one I will soon embark on. So, God bless the genius scientists who created these vaccines.

        When it came down to it, I only had to get two official shots... this round. Yellow Fever is now checked off my list! This immunization is good for a lifetime which is awesome if I ever travel again (which I certainly plan to). This shot is a live virus and does better when injected into the soft tissue, like the back of your arm. I am usually pretty good with needles but I could feel the size of the needle in my arm! The second shot I received was for Rabies. This pre-exposure shot is a 3 shot series over the course of several days. My first shot of the series was today, I go back on Thursday, and on June 1st I will have my final Rabies shot of the series. If one were to somehow mess up this order the series would have to be started all over again. This vaccine is not cheap either!! I'm praying all goes well and correctly! The other vaccine I will take is for Typhoid. It is an oral vaccine capsule taken every other day before I go on the trip. Seems easy enough! I will also take an everyday capsule for the prevention of Malaria while I am in Ethiopia. It was either an every day or a weekly pill that gives you terrible nightmares and weird side effects. I took the one without the strange effects!

        So, all in all, it is crazy scary how real all this is. Of course, there will be culture shock and some ups and downs but I am really looking forward to a change in my normal routine. It is sad to know that I will not be spending virtually every weekend at a cattle show and every day washing my heifer but you just cannot beat this gig! I am very much looking forward to the trip and my time spent with the people at the research center as well as the culture of this part of Africa!

~ Kelli


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