Thursday, June 22, 2017

Day 5: Slow Day

Hello friends and family.

Today, after my breakfast of a banana, toast and pineapple juice, Hannah and I had a introduction meeting with the security of the campus. The head of security filled us in about the security measures here on the compound and being safe outside of the campus. He told us to always take someone who knew the city well with us of course, which I don't think I would ever go into the city without someone who knows the area well!

(The path to the cafeteria/breakfast)

Once we finished up in the guard office, Hannah and I met with Nardos in her office. She began setting up our times for our final introductions. She eventually took us to meet with the IT personnel today where our laptops got set up on the 'official' ILRI wi-fi (thank Lord!). The wi-fi does not like to stay connected very well. We also got our official CGIAR email accounts which is pretty cool if I do say so myself. Tomorrow we have a tour of the library. I am very interested to see what will be available to us in there in terms of research, etc. .

Hannah and I still have yet to get our sim cards for phones so we can actually reach people within the country. Hearing from past interns and even a few graduate students, they are very cheap! We were able to set it up for the 'official driver' Miguel to take us out tomorrow morning to get those. He is also the one that will be taking us to the National Museum of Ethiopia this weekend.

As for now, I am still reading up on Dr. Olivier's work on African cattle. All the information is so very interesting even if I do not fully understand it. With Dr. Olivier and Dr. Tadelle being geneticists I may be swayed towards the in-depth genetics of livestock in my future career! I start my official project planning with both of them on Monday.

(A grassy area between some of the buildings)

After Hannah met with her supervisors for her project of African Chicken Genetic Gains, it was not quite time for dinner yet so we ended up taking a walk around by the basketball courts. There were two young boys there playing basketball with a soccer ball. Hannah and I decided to ask if we could play. Their names were Javie (I didn't catch his whole name) and Gabriel. We played until one team got 20 points. Gabriel and I were a team and we got the dub! It was really fun to be active and play basketball again especially after I blew my knee out back in December.

(Yup, I climbed a tree for this cliché picture)

It was about 6 pm or so and I really needed a water! Hannah and I went to the Zebu Club for dinner which I ended up getting just french fries and a coke. Very American, right?! It was super nice out so we sat outside and ate. I love that Hannah and I are just so laid back with each other. We can make jokes and just be ourselves.

(There are actually quite a few cats roaming campus, this one visited during dinner)

I believe that I finally adjusted to ILRI and the campus here. Everyone is very helpful and nice. Hannah and I are even learning some Amharic (Ethiopia's language)! 

ስላነበቡ እናመሰግናለን (Thank you for reading!)
Āmeseginalehu lemanibebi. 

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